The Internet. How it works and Why it Maters


3 min read

if you Think internet is wireless. You are wrong ,Internet is connected via a optical cables all around the world. It is just like a connection that we make between the two devices using the wire as medium to transfer the data, but in very large scale. Now, you might ask then what about the wife , It is just like sharing resources among the devices with help of Bluetooth

Internet illustration

when a u send a data to some another device it will go to the router , to isp( internet service provider) , to main station ,then it will via under water cable and reach the other country . then it will reach the main station ,from there to isp provider ,from there to router ,from there to device.

Now the Question who does it know which device it should reach

It is done using the IP Address (a unique 32 bit address assigned to each device connected to the internet e.g 0-255.0-255.0-255.0-255 →

it is good to know what is happening under the hood, and improve the understanding of the Internet

From Browsers To Server Journey of your data

Browser : it is the client , which send the request to the server

Server : Which will receive the client request, do the required actions and replay/response to the client

It will happen using the IP protocol, Where it will send the request to the server using the IP Address , the communication will work as it shown in the above diagram

Introduction To World Wide Web

World wide web is not the the Internet , It is used to communicate with web server in HTML, CSS and JavaScript using the Web Browser as communication medium.

client request using the domain name which is name of the website(which maps to the IP address ) ,which is hosted some where in internet having the (all resource ,files and others ) and it is on 24 × 7 . it will communicate using the bits 0.1 which will cent converted to the text,image ,video by the browser

How will you search the websites

using the search Engine (google) .which act as the Map for the world wide web

In order to get the name ,we should buy a domain name for the website, and hosting service

as we read the text and documents from the top to bottom. it is not that efficient to map the data, By using the Hyperlink we can link different documents with one another just like brain

Understanding the Backbone of the Internet : IP Address , Domain names and Routing

IP Address: it is the 32 bit address assigned to each device connected to the internet .
Example :

Domain name: It is the name mapped to the IP address of the server , which is easy to remember the names inserted of long numbers.

It use the DNS Which will resolve the name to IP address.

The TCP/IP Guide - DNS Name Resolution Process

Routing is the process of directing data between networks and devices using IP addresses and domain names.